When you need to capture the perfect shot, there's no room for error. That's why we offer raw footage from all of our video shoots.

Whether you're looking for footage to use in your own marketing materials or for a video production company, we can help. We are fully insured and ready to go—just contact us today!


1: Reach Out

Reach out to discuss your project and receive a quote within 24 hours.

2: Schedule a Flight

Once we get the go-ahead we will send an invoice and work with you to plan our services taking all airspace restrictions & weather into consideration.

3: Fly

We will capture the clips & media you are looking for.

4: Final Deliverable

We will upload all the files to our Google Drive & host them for 30 days.


  • No you don’t. We welcome you to be onsite when our pilot is but it is not necessary.

  • We typically schedule 1-2 weeks in advance, though there are rare cases we can fly within 2 days of the invoice being paid.

  • The weather is typically the biggest hurdle when it comes to scheduling. If we anticipate poor conditions we will work with you to reschedule the services.


We will reach out to discuss your project & deliver a quote within 24 hours.